What else? Lets try our great country of Iraq. Oh its just a paradise over there. A UN human rights group published a report. Summary of it? Oh since the US invaded Iraq that the total now of dead Iraqi citizens is now around the amount of 50,000 people. 50k. Get 50k in pennies together (one for each dead person) and put that in a big jar. Think thats enough? All for what? Diplomatic policy? WMD? Stop the War on Terror? Good job Dubya. When I see people driving with their 2004 Dubya bumper stickers still on their vehicle I already know this person is obviously missing a few pieces of common sense. OMG, and I live in a Red state?
Bill O'reilly another loveable carebear had a poll on his show. You should know I do try to watch his show for about 60 sec just to see what the
So lets go down a check list of the recent events that have happened in the past few weeks.
- Israel/Lebanon conflict
- Dubya uses first EVER (5.5 years in office) veto to kill certain stem cell research. Hey if you are diagnosed with some serious illness, guess you just have to get a few more of the same pills, instead of science working to possibly find a cure. I think it was a senator from Iowa who had the best quote of this. "If Bush's HS science teacher is watching this, he has to be shaking his head." Priceless.
- Congress has no clue on how the internet works with the Net Nutrality act and with them also trying to pass the Anti Gambling law making banks deny any EFTs to gambling sites. Thank you freedom. Funny I remember reading in the constitution how Americans gambling was unethical. Its somewhere down on the bottom.
- Iraq keeps getting worse.
- A Federal judge has to rule on a lawsuit by people living in the Gulf Coast on how the insurance company would not cover people's home damages because the water flooding was seawater instead of from rainfall. That decision could impact thousands of people trying to rebuild their homes and lives that were all destroyed when the two Hurricanes from 2005 hit.
- Barry Bonds is still defending himself and his federal indicment was postponed. All I can say is the hit TV show Bonds on Bonds got ended wayyyyyyyyyy to early.
- Lastly, hottest year so far on record. At least 25 U.S. States recorded their highest temperature readings ever. As much as we laugh at it global warming is really starting to become a poor reality. I watched 60 min a while back and they were interviewing a scientist showing how the Greenland ice mass is melting at an incredible rate. This was the quote that stuck with me the most. "If we stopped all the refineries, every single car and anything that adds to greenhouse gas, the effects would still be felt for decades onward." Uhhhh, yikes. The western states along with Texas are in severe drought (plenty of wildfires), power grids nationwide can not keep up with the power demand for this hot summer, and the earth's climate is having noticeable effects from this. If you have not gone outside and given some type of verbal appreciation directly to your home air conditioner, you obviously are overlooking one of man's greatest ever inventions.
Well I might as well end of a positive note. I finally got to go see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Now this film has made huge bank at the box office, and I really thought the first film was exceptionally done. Well after watching this 2h 30min flick I have to say, it was one summer movie that actually delivered. Now lets be key here. Its not the best movie ever. Its not even the best scene I saw this year. Writing/plot was good, enjoyed how all the original characters were back in the movie, excellent action sequences, and just a well produced movie. Its nothing amazing, but overall I thought the film delivered well. Oh yeah, Keira Knightley, if you are reading this, you certainly get a 10.