Friday, May 25, 2007

LOST season 3 finale review

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LOST has changed a lot over its past 3 years of production. The plot has now taken a turn for the very unexpected. So many things to question in this show. The number one question every one has to ask, what happened to Jack? We find out at the end we were not seeing flashbacks of his past, but his life in the future day. The plane crashed in Sept 22, 2004, and the story line has lasted only 3-4 months. So did Jack get rescued? What were the terrible things that he said happened? Where will season4 take place, on the island or in the future time back in civilization?

Obviously Locke has made a huge change in character. I mean first we see him in the pit seeing a vision of Walt. At the end we see him kill out of nowhere. Locke knows something. He couldn't shoot Jack. It was something he saw that would not allow him to pull the trigger. "You are not supposed to do this." Obviously Locke's connection with the island made him realize something to go nuts like that. Exactly who is planning to rescue the group?

Sawyer has obviously made a turn to an evil path of a killer. Sayid certainly know how to crack a dude's neck with his legs. Sayid doesn't play around.

Where is Ben's path in all this? It is so hard to tell when he is lying or telling the truth.

I thought Charlie did well. I don't understand why he simply didn't run to the other side of the door and then shut the hatch. Seems like to me he had time to do that. Desmond character is also taking an interesting path as well.

Oh yeah, the funeral that no one went to except Jack. Who was in that casket? I think I have a pretty good idea who is in there.

It is going to be prob not till 2008 when LOST returns to the airwaves. Hopefully by then I will have a real HDTV to watch it on. I must say the series has taken quite a turn going into Season 4.

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